Rabbi Levi Wolff – Chief Minister & Rebbetzin Chanie Wolff
Rabbi Levi Wolff was raised in a warm and welcoming family in New Jersey, USA. His education encompassed many years of concentrated studies, both textual and philosophical, simultaneously extending well beyond the classroom in an active capacity.
As a dedicated student and Rabbi-in-training, he travelled extensively to Jewish communities around the globe, volunteering his services and skills, all-the-while learning from the many and varied cultural traditions he encountered.
All of his focused learning culminated in his respected rabbinical ordination in 1996 from Rabbi Pinchas Hirschprung, then Chief Rabbi of Canada.
In 1997 Rabbi Levi, his wife Chanie and baby daughter left New York and embarked on their mission in Western Australia, where he was appointed director of Chabad WA and senior minister of Perth’s Northern Suburbs Hebrew Congregation.
In 2001, Rabbi Levi accepted the position of chief minister at The Central Synagogue in Sydney, the largest synagogue in the Southern Hemisphere. Rabbi and Chanie are a dynamic team at the helm of this Modern Orthodox spiritual hub, both masterfully juggling the sensibilities and challenges of today in real time, while remaining loyal to the timeless values of Torah-true Judaism.
Rabbi Levi is a spiritual mentor to many and runs a plethora of programs: from educational life cycle courses to adult education classes to shiurim to Central’s Bar Mitzvah Academy and more. Rabbi delivers soulful sermons on Shabbat, and addresses thousands of congregants over the Jewish High Holiday season.
Rebbetzin Chanie forms a “Central” position in our community’s life, creating comprehensive and tailored programs such as the Bat Mitzvah Academy, offering one-on-one counselling as a sought-out mentor to many. Chanie and Rabbi run pre-marital sessions together, preparing young brides and grooms, not only for the big day, but for Jewish married life well beyond.
Contributing as a regular columnist for print media, Rabbi Levi also beams out his insightful messages via social media platforms, all of which are widely circulated and appreciated by a worldwide audience.
He is guided by the commandment, “Love your fellow as yourself,” striving so all feel – not merely welcomed – but spiritually elevated.
Rabbi and Chanie are blessed with six children, a dear son-in-law and are now delighted to wear an additional hat – that of bubbe and zaide!
The good work continues.

Rabbi Levi Wolff- Chief Minister & Rebbetzin Chanie Wolff

Rabbi David Freedman
Rabbi Freedman entered the rabbinate in 1973 and has consistently served various congregations with distinction and devotion in both London and Sydney for almost half a century. Rabbi David first joined our shul in 2009, primarily to aid in the area of pastoral care offering spiritual, emotional and social support, in addition to assisting Rabbi Wolff whenever and wherever needed.
If members of our Central Family are unwell, Rabbi David is available to visit patients in hospital and he carves out time in his week to make home visits; he also connects with congregants via other convenient technological mediums.
Rabbi David has previously lectured in Medieval Jewish History at Sydney University and in Jewish Law at the University of New South Wales. He offers insightful sermons in Rabbi Wolff’s absence and publishes a widely read Dvar Torah each week which is so helpful to so many, along with conducting ongoing Shiurim exploring modern Jewish history and more.
Rabbi David, along with his wife, Ruth, cherish time with their children and grandchildren in both Sydney and Perth.

Rabbi Tzuri Avila
Youth Minister & Hineni Shaliach
Rabbi Tzuri has had a positive and personal link with our Sydney Jewish community for many years. In his dual role as Youth Minister and Hineni Shaliach he brings a dynamic drive to all that he does on a daily basis.
From his earliest years, Rabbi Tzuri was communal-minded. As a teenager, he was a young chazan, or cantor in his local shule in addition to assisting as a Ba’al Koreh, reading from the Sefer Torah during many services for the benefit of all. He then held a communal position for over a decade within the vibrant Young Israel of Los Angeles synagogue.
He first arrived on our Sydney shores in his early twenties as a Chabad Shaliach and was blessed to meet Fiona, whom he married and together they have worked actively as an inspiring team ever since. They moved to Sydney eight years ago and were originally at the helm of the Southern Sydney synagogue, and then joined our Central Family two-and-a-half years ago.
Through his work as the Hineni Shaliach, he also liaises closely with the Australian Zionist Youth Council, the roof-body organisation for Zionist youth movements in both Australia and New Zealand.
Rabbi Tzuri is passionate about empowering every individual to be the best they can be, drawing on both his communal capabilities working with the youth demographic in Jewish centres around the world, in addition to his professional work experience. These are merged seamlessly to offer each child and student, at every age and stage, the most informed recommendations and solutions navigating Yiddishkeit in the most rewarding and revealing way.
Rabbi Tzuri and Fiona have three children: Shira, Matis and Anaelle who are each integral to our Central Family. Fiona is also involved with leading our Central Mums & Bubs Club. Together they are a terrific team and a tremendous source of strength for so many.
Rabbi Tzuri also speaks fluent Spanish – so make sure you say ‘hola’ when you see our valued multilingual minister.